insta: @catsoftottenhaminsta
Cats of Tottenham is based on the personal experiences of the creators Ellie Bradford and Will Stuart. In particular the feelings inspired by low-paid work, bad housing and not having enough money. When Ellie first came up with the idea for the show, both she and Will were working in highly exploitative low-paid work: Ellie as a support worker in a facility for treating people with serious mental health difficulties, and Will as a teacher at a local comprehensive school on a zero-hours contract.
From these experiences we are expressing the feeling of being placed within an unchanging, money-poor, tunnel-like daily routine from the front door to work and back, whilst all life and activity takes place in the stratosphere of a global megastructure we cannot influence. Cats of Tottenham satirises a vague, conspiratorially defined elite.
CATS OF TOTTENHAM is created by Ellie Bradford and William Stuart. We do the visuals, script, editing, puppet moving, sound and voices. A friend helps us with doing some of the voices. Ellie is an artists who works in multi media such as video and performance and Will Stuart is an Artist and a Writer. Please feel free to contact us via our socials if you would like to show our work or have any questions. Thank you so much for paying a visit and watching our show!